STA.DEMONIA QUEER ART is a project where we invite queer artists to expose their work at StaDemonia Tattoo Stockholm. During our first years in Stockholm we have had the honour to expose art by among others Bitte Andersson, Bianco Casco, Kolbeinn Karlsson, Jess Dibruja, Rudy Loewe, Hanna Gustavsson, Zafira Vrba Woodski.

Do you have questions? Do you want to tell us about artists we should look at inviting? Do you want to receive invitations to vernissage and other events by email? Write to!

During 2024 with support from Stockholms Stad. In collaboration with ABF Stockholm.

Genderbashing -photo series by Dan Dansen! Can be seen at StaDemonia Tattoo Stockholm until late november. ------------- Genderbashing is an ongoing photographic series that portrays women, lesbians, trans, non- binary, inter or agender persons as ferce practtoners of martal arts. Dan Dansen, as a non-binary person and...

Welcome to see the current expo in the series Queer Konst at StaDemonia Tattoo Stockholm, photography by Lo River Lööf! During February/March 2022. ---------- Lo River Lööf - den/they is a Stockholm based artist that mostly works with photography. They are trans and queer. Their work usually spring from...

Welcome on Friday 22/10 at 18-21 hs to the next vernissage in the exhibition series StaDemonia Queer Art: ROLF FLOR by Rolf Backman Ossandon! During the evening they will do a small performance and there will also be a small performance by a specially invited artist,...

Welcome to the opening of the exhibition GENDER OPTIONAL: PROFILES OF COURAGE by Del LaGrace Volcano at StaDemonia Tattoo Stockholm 10/9 at 18-21! The exhibition can be seen until 8/10. ————– GENDER OPTIONAL: PROFILES OF COURAGE // Del LaGrace Volcano Stockholm, Malmö, Örebro, Göteborg, Sweden 2020-2021 This project was created...

Welcome to our next vernissage 30/7 18-21 hs – StaDemonia Tattoo Stockholm’s tattoo artists expose work togeather! Soledad Aznar, Sara Swanson, Alex Cfourpo, Leon Halldén, Sixten Sandra Österberg, Jazz Sargent Aznar, Ezra Valentin Since we are still living with pandemic we celebrate outside the studio and...

Very welcome to this year’s first physical vernissage in the series StaDemonia Queer Art! Pronoun Series -photo and video by Zafira Vrba Woodski, Saturday 29/5 at 15-18 hs! We are aware that we are still in a pandemic and therefore; 8 people at a time can...

Almost exactly two years ago we celebrated the first issue of Drömsyskon (Dream Siblings) Zine at StaDemonia Tattoo Stockholm, and even if we can not hug laugh cry sweat togeather we do want to celebrate that the second issue exists with a smaller zoom event! More...

Welcome to enjoy the expo and zine Drömsyskon (Dream siblings) by Rasmus Eo Clarke and Jon Ely Xiuming! Vernissage 10/1 at 18-21 hs at StaDemonia Tattoo Stockholm! Until 2/3! ——————- I will whisper to you before you fall asleep: do not be afraid if you need to fall apart a...

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