26 sep Vernissage Queer Tattoo History /Histories January 18th!
Posted at 14:13h
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Save the date, more info to come! Welcome to the vernissage Saturday 18/1 at the new Southside Gallery in Högdalen -a day filled with talks and lectures and an evening filled with performance and celebration!Sara Swanson from StaDemonia Tattoo Stockholm has interviewed queers who got tattooed during the 70s and 80s and photographer Del laGrace Volcano has portrayed the storytellers. In addition -Soledad Aznar Rodriguez´ and Sara Swansons´ StaDemonia Tattoo turns 20 years old and we want to celebrate with you!
Queer tattoo history / stories is an ongoing work of memory and research, a small seed collected for ourselves and our siblings, which tells of times where tattooing and queerness were taboo, shameful and/or forbidden AND an act filled with resistance power and desire .
Queer tattoo history / stories is an ongoing work of memory and research, a small seed collected for ourselves and our siblings, which tells of times where tattooing and queerness were taboo, shameful and/or forbidden AND an act filled with resistance power and desire .
More info about Del la Grace Volcano: https://www.delagracevolcano.se/ or in Dazed.
First foto: Tattoo by Sara Swanson

With support from Kulturrådet and Stockholms Stad, in collaboration with ABF Stockholm