Edith Hammar at Queer Tattoo Expo!

Edith has drawn and illustrated queer dreams for more than 10 years. In 2020, they debuted with the serial novel Homo Line and since 2022 has, among other things, represented in Moderna Museet’s collection. Edith’s pictures invite the viewer into a highly detailed and sometimes surreal realm where desire and humor are mixed.

StaDemonia Tattoo Stockholm invites you to Swedens first Queer Tattoo Expo! Saturday May 13th Blivande by Frihamnen, Stockholm, will be filled with tattooing, performance, art expo, social cafe/bar! The program might change so keep updated while we get closer here or at Insta / Faceb. Some tattooers will take bookings, some only drop-in. Contact the artist you are interested in directly with your questions!
Queer Tattoo Expo will be free to visit day time 13-18 hs. From 18-02 the entrance will be 150 kr, more info regarding how to get your ticket soon!
We are now looking for volonteers! If you are interested or want to know more, please write tu us queertattooexposthlm@gmail.com!